Your donations buy art supplies for the Art Envoys!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Art BY Abby!

Abby has been painting with the Art Envoys for two years now.
Yesterday she had her first solo show.
Abby is twelve years old.

Abby and her dad, Joe Hottel

Abby, Gretchen,  and Poe

With artists Poe and Sam of SAMPOE gallery

Art Envoys Thayer and Abby

Art Envoys Bree, Katie, and Abby

A sold out show! Everything went in the first half an hour!

Abby performs with the great Melissa Reaves!

Melissa and Abby

Singing "Ring of Fire"

Gretchen and Abby

Congratulations, Abby!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Art By Abby

Come new Art Envoy Abby's latest and greatest paintings at her first ever solo show!
Join us this Sunday, December 2nd, from 3-5 PM, at POCO in Bisbee, AZ!

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Border Bedazzlers!

Stay tuned as The Art Envoys join forces with The Border Bedazzlers to beautify the U.S./Mexico border wall!

There is 2,000 miles of border wall to paint, so all hands on deck!

We'll be working more with the kids from Naco, Sonora!

The boys are a great help!

 Please visit our facebook page at  The Border Bedazzlers!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The somnambulist

The Somnambulist is one of my favorite paintings.

Ceasar seems to be floating in a different world because of the blue and brown background and the clear box.

  It's almost like you are looking into his head.

          By Art Envoy Abby

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Stay tuned for an upcoming art show by Abby!

Be who you are!

Jade leads the way when it comes to sincere and honest self-exploration.
Find out who you really are, this is Jade's quest.

Here is some of Jade's current art....

 Be a monster, be a vampire,  be a girl, be a boy, be whatever you want to be... but be who you are!


Monday, October 15, 2012

Thanks Art Envoy Lily!

Art Envoy Lily is out in the world making amazing art.
She is currently living in Sacramento, California!

Here is some cool current art by Lily....